Launch Sites & Launches
All launches are subject to weather conditions. We may cancel a launch on short notice if we determine that conditions are not favorable for safety.
Waterfalls Site, Las Cruces
On the first or second Saturday of every month, FLARE holds a public sport launch at the Waterfalls Launch Site. Launches start at 9:30. Public means that anyone is welcome to join us by launching their own rocket, or just stop by to meet us and watch. There are no fees for this activity. Sport, Model, and Medium Power (MPR) launches may be conducted at this site. Due to the proximity of HWY 70 we are limited to under 3.4 lb. In general, flights below 3000' AGL are fine,
We sometimes conduct NRC launches at this site. Occasionally they are for two days.
Please be aware that there are no restrooms, water, or shade structures at this site. We pack it in and pack it out. This is a wild desert environment. Long pants and closed footwear are strongly recommended. Bring ample water and protect yourself from the sun.

Tripoli Las Cruces Site, Alamogordo
On the third Saturday of each month we host an HPR launch at the TLC site at Veterans Memorial Park near Alamogordo. This is where we most often conduct high power launches, and often conduct NRC trial launches. Sport launches are always welcome. This launch field is exceptionally well appointed, including permanent shade structures and porta-potties. We collect donations to support the potties and upkeep of the site.
We maintain clearance to launch Class 2 rockets up to 5,500' AGL. No flights over 5500 feet AGL will be allowed without arrangements being made with TLC ahead of the launch. Likewise, no motors larger than K or complex J are allowed without prior arrangements.
Contact: Hprocketeer@live.com, Jsdemar@gmail.com to discuss.