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June, 2020 - Thomas Kindig, President of FLARE

July 11th, 2020

We face a reasonable requirement from the State of New Mexico Department of Health to reduce the risks associated with the Covid-2019 Global Pandemic in accordance with stated principles of Public Safety. To that end FLARE will resume limited Sport Launch activities at the Waterfalls Basin site with the following rules and conditions.


A Parent with child will be considered one flyer for purposes of set up and launch.

  1. Everyone will be required to wear masks when outside of vehicles. At your vehicle and well distant from non family members, you may lower your mask. On the field your mask must cover your nose and mouth.

  2. All attendees will stay at their vehicles and prep rockets. They will hold their rockets in the air to request a launch.

  3. The RSO will summon not more than three flyers to check in, one at a time. No flight cards or clipboards allowed. Check-in is Q&A only, maintaining 6 ft distance. 

  4. The RSO will direct Flyers to the Pad Manager, one at a time, to load rockets.

  5. The Pad Manager may allow flyers to load their own rocket, or ask the flyer to step back to load for them; In case of contact, will use hand sanitizer between loading each rocket.

  6. The Launch Control Officer (LCO) will not make physical contact with flyers or rockets, and 6ft distance will be maintained. Only the LCO will launch rockets, so that no one else will touch the launch controller.

  7. After launch, Flyers will recover their rockets as the RSO calls not more than three more flyers to check in.

  8. Returning flyers will maintain 10ft distance and will return to their vehicles.

Important Notes: 

  • The Range Safety Officer (RSO) has discretion to enforce these rules based on conditions on the field. They may amend these rules based on new or revised understanding of current safety conditions in our community and directives from New Mexico officials.

  • The RSO may require you to leave the launch field in order to protect safety. Your participation in launch activities depends on respecting this condition.

  • FLARE events are free and open to the public. They are conducted with permission from the City of Las Cruces. FLARE reserves the right to enforce City, County, and State directives to protect our community.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Stay safe!​ Stay Well. --Thomas

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